la mercè barcelona

Don’t Miss La Mercè Barcelona

The end of summer in Catalonia is a time for celebration, which has been the tradition since La Mercè Barcelona began back in 1902. Known worldwide as the city’s largest street party, people travel from far and wide to partake in the five days of festivities designed to celebrate Catalan culture and the cooler days ahead. If you have yet to experience the events and energy at La Mercè Barcelona, perhaps this will be your year! Though the official dates have yet to be announced, you can be sure that it will take place around September 24th as it does every year.

La Mercè Barcelona History

Named for the patron saint of Barcelona, Mercè who, as legend has it, blessed the city on many occasions to protect it from wars and plagues, is the cause for celebration when the end of September rolls around each year. At the turn of the century, when pope Pius IX declared the Virgin of Mercy the patron saint of Barcelona, he had many festivities planned in her honor, which were held throughout the city. In 1902 those festivities were organized into an official festival, which has been celebrated each year since, much to the excitement of both Catalonians and the many visitors to our beautiful city.

Top La Mercè Events

  • Castellers – While waltzing down the street during La Mercè Barcelona you may stumble upon a human tower reaching stories above ground! Don’t be alarmed, the Castellers, as they’re called, are well trained performers who aim to show the Catalonia spirit of unity through this performance art. It is a tradition that has been around as long as the festival itself. Head to the Gothic Quarter during the festivities to Plaça de Sant Jaume and you’ll surely catch one of their memorable towers.
  • Correfoc – Known as the procession of the fire-breathing dragons, this event takes place along the Via Laietana as dusk sets in. The dragons, who do indeed breath fire in the form of fireworks and sparklers, are accompanied by scary looking devils and mythical monsters marching through the streets and give everyone a little frightful excitement. If you do plan on attending this wonderful spectacle be sure to wear clothing that you won’t mind being damaged by sparks, as well as glasses or a hat to protect your eyes.
  • Gigantes – Don’t miss this chance to see the Catalan monarchy of old march through the streets. No, not real royalty, but giant costumed performers who dance to the accompaniment of drummers and flutists.



If you have yet to experience the wonders of La Mercè Barcelona it is nothing short of a once in a lifetime experience. Not only will you get a taste for authentic Catalan culture with some of its rich history mixed in, but September is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of year to visit Barcelona. The summer heat is subsiding, while that temperate Mediterranean fall sweeps in for a few months of paradise. This trip could really be a dream come true!


august in barcelona

August in Barcelona

August in Barcelona is one of the busiest months of the year ensuring many exciting activities, beautifully warm Mediterranean weather, and visitors from around the world with whom to mingle. Between the beaches, festivals, and arts to enjoy, the end of the summer ends up being an ideal time to visit this Spanish city and take in the sites and culture, be it on a European family adventure, or the backpacking trip of a lifetime.

Though Catalonians have long been known to take month long vacations during the month of August, visitors can be sure to find most of the businesses open. About 10 percent of the shops and restaurants will be closed as various families head out of town during the warmest and busiest month of the year – a tradition that undoubtedly adds to the charming and hospitable nature of the city’s many family-owned businesses.

Here are some of the things to look forward to during August in Barcelona this year.

  1. Festa Major de Sants
    This little-known festival takes place throughout the Sants neighborhood, featuring unique cultural attractions that celebrate the history of the families who settled this neighborhood centuries ago.
  2. San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival
    This summer concert series takes place throughout the city at different venues, featuring many Latin musicians along with a mix of many other genres. Starting in July and continuing through early September, San Miguel Mas i Mas concerts make for a great evening out on the town.
  3. Gandules
    Throughout the month of August on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, a series of films are screened on the rooftop patio. This great space has both a restaurant and bar and the movie nights tend to fill up quickly so be sure to get there early for a seat.
  4. Circuit Festival
    The Circuit Festival is one of the largest LGBT gatherings in all of Europe. It offers 12 days of incredible parties and events throughout the city including a day at the water park, beach parties, documentary film festivals and tons of sporty fun like longboard outings and yoga sessions. Thousands of people from around the world come out for this wonderful celebration of LGBT culture!
  5. Festa Major de Gracia
    This neighborhood festival is one of the oldest in the city, with residents working year round to plan a fun festival in which locals and visitors alike come to appreciate age old Catalan culture. The main attraction are the streets and shops that get transformed by residents in a decorating competition that will shock you as you enter imaginary worlds like outer space and Jurassic Park. Be sure to check out Festa Major de Gracia in the evening to see these transformed worlds all lit up.

August in Barcelona is bound to be a great time, whether you’re looking for a relaxing time or a great party. While the end of the summer is typically a busy time for tourists, it  also ensures that there is plenty to do for all interests. If you’re considering a European vacation this summer, make it August in Barcelona!


Un Paseo Romántico por Barcelona

Sin duda alguna, Barcelona es una de las ciudades europeas que más atraen a los turistas para estancias cortas, fines de semana y recorridos románticos.  Un fin de semana como el de Sant Jordi  se convierte en un momento ideal para realizar un recorrido con la pareja, puesto que Barcelona ofrece muchísimos sitios para ver y divertirse.

Desde las bulliciosas calles, las sofisticadas plazas y los paisajes urbanos diferentes y atractivos, Barcelona simplemente tiene todo para un fin de semana romántico, ya sea para celebrar Sant Jordi, como escapada romántica antes de la boda o como festejo por las bodas de plata.

Son muchas las actividades que habrá para este 23 de abril en Barcelona pero, si eres de los que busca escapar de las masas y relajarte junto a tu pareja, en Bizflats te sugerimos estos tres planes increíbles e inolvidables que se escapan de las guías turísticas.

Un Paseo en Golondrina por el Puerto

Barcelona tiene la fortuna de ser una ciudad portuaria. Su puerto, contenido entre la desembocadura del río Llobregat y la Barceloneta, se abre al mar Mediterráneo y es una metáfora perfecta de la historia y la actualidad de esta cosmopolita ciudad. Quizá esta íntima relación con el agua es lo que hace que uno de los paseos estrella en Barcelona es aquel que se hace en el agua, en las famosas Golondrinas de Barcelona. ¿Qué son las Golondrinas? Son barcos turísticos que funcionan a motor y que en general, realizan travesías no muy extensas que muestran el litoral barcelonés, lo que permite admirar la ciudad desde el mar. Este representativo paseo cuenta ya con una larga historia, pues las primeras golondrinas empezaron a realizarlo en el año de 1888, claro que su motor era a vapor y eran más pequeñas: sólo tenían capacidad para veinte personas.

Para aquellos que quieren tener varios puntos de vista diferentes y complementarios de su visita a esta ciudad, estos paseos marítimos representan una excelente alternativa. Para una escapada romántica, es simplemente soberbio, debido a que te da un tiempo para estar en completa paz y tranquilidad con tu pareja, disfrutando a la vez del paisaje urbano y de la paz que ofrece el agua.Golondrinas_barcelona

Las Golondrinas parten de un punto ubicado muy cerca del Mirador de Colón. Los centros de información y taquillas están localizados específicamente en el Portal de la Pau, dentro de la zona del muelle.

Se puede elegir realizar dos tipos de recorridos diferentes. El primero es el tradicional y más corto, que nos llevará por el puerto de Barcelona, permitiéndonos admirar todas las instalaciones portuarias, paisajes urbanos que incluyen el Word Trade Center, la Estación Marítima Internacional, los muelles Llevant y Ponent, el Puente de la Porta d’Europa, el puerto pesquero, la Torre del Reloj y la Nueva Bocana.

El segundo recorrido es más largo (dura en torno a los noventa minutos), y agrega una nueva embarcación, un catamarán, que permite llegar más lejos, hasta el Fórum Universal de las Culturas 2004, dándonos un paseo aún más profundo, en el que se puede disfrutar al cien por cien de la dicotomía mar-ciudad que nos ofrece Barcelona.

Es importante remarcar que a pesar de que en condiciones normales hay salidas diariamente y en diversos horarios, el estado del mar puede afectar esta situación, así que no viene de más consultar antes de ir y también intentar comprar los billetes con al menos una hora de anticipación para evitar quedarnos fuera o tener cualquier contratiempo.

Un último dato curioso sobre las Golondrinas: el porqué de su nombre. La idea fue de Feliciana Goñi, su creadora, que les otorgó este nombre en honor al ave que lo porta: la golondrina cubana. Toda la idea desde este recorrido es eminentemente romántica y evoca una visión calmada y pacífica de la ciudad, por lo que resultan ideales para una escapada en pareja.

Picnic al Atardecer en El Mirador del Búnker del Carmel


¿Qué puede ser más romántico que apreciar unas hermosas vistas de 360° de la ciudad de Barcelona? Ya sea al amanecer, al atardecer o en la noche, cuando la ciudad se ilumina gracias a las luces artificiales, el apreciar toda la ciudad desde un solo sitio es la idea perfecta para pasar con alguien a quien apreciamos mucho y obsequiarse mutuamente con un momento de paz y belleza.

Un sitio para pasar un momento semejante es sin duda el Mirador del Búnker del Carmel en Barcelona. A pesar de que en las últimas fechas (y sobre todo con su reciente rehabilitación y reapertura) los turistas se acercan un poco más a recorrerlo y visitarlo, sigue siendo una especie de oasis con respecto a otros sitios de la ciudad que siempre están llenos de turistas, de tal forma que permite hacer un rico picnic vespertino en compañía del ser querido.

El sitio que recomendamos, el búnker del Carmel, es un recinto histórico puesto que fue construido durante la Guerra Civil como refugio antiaéreo, en la cima del turó de la Rovira, en el centro del barrio del Carmel. La melancolía rodea este emplazamiento puesto que fue construido como protección para los habitantes de Barcelona en el año de 1937. Su intención era netamente la protección, puesto que los bombardeos a la Ciudad Condal perseguían sobre todo el objetivo de asustar e intimidar a la población. Es por ello que se seleccionó este punto alto, en el que los abandonados cañones continuaron vigilando sombría y mudamente la ciudad hasta que fueron retirados en la década de los cincuenta. El búnker continuó ahí, testigo silencioso de los cambios de la ciudad. En cierta etapa albergó barracas cuyos habitantes fueron reubicados y sus precarias viviendas destruidas antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992.

A partir de entonces, el sitio fue reclamado por el Patrimonio Histórico Español, convirtiéndose en uno de los miradores por excelencia de esta ciudad. Se pueden apreciar desde ahí el litoral de la ciudad, la diferencia en el trazo de los barrios de la ciudad (el contraste entre el Eixample y el Carmel, la geometría y la historia…), la Torre Agbar, la Sagrada Familia, el puerto. El hecho de poder hacer un giro completo y apreciar toda la ciudad en su totalidad, hace de este sitio un emplazamiento irresistible para cualquier apasionado de la fotografía o simplemente para quien quiera que desee realmente fascinarse con el paisaje urbano de Barcelona.

La guinda del pastel sería sin duda, como ya comentábamos, hacer un pequeño picnic al atardecer. Llevar algo sencillo para comer y beber, un mantelito o manta y observar la caída del sol dándonos la mano con nuestra pareja: un momento imbatible de un fin de semana en Barcelona.

Cómo llegar al Búnker del Carmel: Para llegar en transporte público lo preferible es tomar el autobús porque desde las paradas más cercanas del metro se tiene que hacer una pequeña caminata de alrededor de dos kilómetros. Como líneas de autobús pueden cogerse la 24, la 92, la 119 y la V7. De noche, puede seleccionarse entre la N4 y la N5. En cuanto a la llegada en vehículo privado, si se busca bien la ruta de antemano, veremos que hay mucho sitio para aparcar en las cercanías, así que no representa ningún problema.

Perderse en El Laberinto de Horta

Nuestra propuesta es pasear por un hermoso jardín: el parque del Laberinto de Horta. Este hermoso parque tiene un diseño clásico, quizás debido a que es el más antiguo de Barcelona, y por fortuna para los enamorados, uno de los menos frecuentados por los turistas. Normalmente la entrada cuesta dos euros, pero los miércoles y los domingos la entrada es gratuita.


Este parque se ubica en una antigua finca, la de la familia Desvalls, próxima a la localización de la sierra de Collserola, y su punto fuerte son sin duda el jardín del siglo XVIII, en estilo neoclásico, y el jardín del siglo XIX, en un estilo romántico. La disposición del parque es muy especial: en tres terrazas a la forma de grandes escalones, con un gran contenedor de agua en la parte superior que sirve como reserva de agua para el riego. En el medio, hay una preciosa zona dispuesta con cúpulas y columnas de tipo toscano. En la parte más baja, está el laberinto que da el nombre al parque y que se ha convertido en el principal atractivo del jardín. Desde la entrada se puede observar y disfrutar la arquitectura de la casa del dueño y su familia, el marqués de Llupià i Alfarràs. Este hermoso espacio incluso ha sido elegido para el rodaje de distintas cintas y videos, por su mágica disposición laberíntica.

Pero el jardín es más que el laberinto. También cuenta con más de veinte distintos detalles acuáticos, desde estanques y fuentes hasta albercas y cascadas, pasando por canales y riachuelos, que no sólo embellecen el espacio y le otorgan una sonoridad especial, sino que permiten el desarrollo de numerosas especies vegetales. Además, todas estas fuentes y estanques, cuya agua se mantiene sin clorar, permiten la protección de especies anfibias (sapos, ranas verdes, reinetas), que se conservan en espacios separados a los peces, para que todas las especies disfruten de suficiente espacio y se encuentren a gusto.

El número de visitantes a la vez se limita a setecientas cincuenta personas, lo que permite disfrutar de este espacio verde en completa paz y tranquilidad. Detalle romántico: al recorrer todo el laberinto y llegar hasta el centro, podemos apreciar una estatua de Eros, el dios griego del amor… ¿podemos encontrar una forma más simbólica de concluir un fin de semana romántico en esta hermosa ciudad?

Además, independientemente del laberinto, el parque cuenta con otras áreas muy interesantes, como el parque temático que servía en sus tiempos para entretener a los invitados de la realeza y nobles que se daban cita en lo que en la época era un sitio alejado del centro de Barcelona. Como toque final, hay un canal para enamorados con pequeñas barquitas y cisnes, desde la cual se puede llegar a la sala de té que sólo funciona en verano.

El parque se encuentra en excelentes condiciones y representa un oasis de tranquilidad respecto al tumulto turístico que suele recorrer los sitios “bandera” del paisaje urbano de Barcelona.

Estos tres rincones de la geografía de nuestra ciudad ofrecen un espacio de paz, relajación e intimidad a las parejas para celebrar un día tan especial como Sant Jordi.

Al seleccionar un apartamento de alquiler turístico en Barcelona, podrás disfrutar de estos tres hermosos lugares y muchos más, además de llenarte de la vitalidad, paz y romanticismo que emana de las calles de Barcelona para estas fechas.





barcelona gothic quarter

Get Lost in the History of the Barcelona Gothic Quarter

You won’t just get lost in the history of the Barcelona Gothic Quarter but also in the amazing variety of things to do in this corner of the city that is among the most visited places by tourists and residents alike. With its labyrinthine streets, it’s best to pay extra close attention to your surroundings as it’s common to literally get lost in the area. Along with beautiful squares that make for the perfect place to relax for an afternoon with a bottle of wine or a good book, there are numerous great boutiques for shopping, a grand cathedral, and a lively nightlife. During your next visit to Barcelona, be sure to take a walking tour though the Gothic Quarter!

History of the Barcelona Gothic Quarter

The Gothic Quarter is the center of the old city of Barcelona. Many of its buildings maintain their medievally designed integrity though there were many additions and improvements throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The Roman Wall remains are evidence that the gothic quarter dates as far back as the Roman settlement in Barcelona. The labyrinthine street layout is further evidence, with many of the streets opening up into squares that would have been markets and meeting places in medieval times.

Barcelona Gothic Quarter Attractions

Gothic quarter of Barcelona in wet weather conditions
Photo Credit: bbsferrari/iStock/Thinkstock
  • The Barcelona Gothic Quarter Cathedral is one of the main attractions in this area and is the seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona, as well as breathtaking sight. Having been constructed from the 13th to the 15th centuries, its neogothic style is complete with rooftop gargoyles and other domestic and mythic animals.
  • Plaça Sant Jaume is located at the heart of the Barcelona Gothic Quarter and is the administrative center of the city as home to both City Hall and the Palace of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The square is home to many big events throughout the year.
  • Plaça Reial sits between the Gothic Quarter and La Rambla and is a popular attraction. It is well known for its rich nightlife as it is home to many famous nightclubs and outdoor venues. It is one of the most popular spots for national celebrations like New Year’s Eve.
  • Portal de l’Àngel is known among locals for being one of the premier locations for shopping in Barcelona, since it is a pedestrian-only street – it attracts many of the best-known local and international fashion brands. The huge footfall on Portal del’Àngel makes it Barcelona’s (and Spain’s) most expensive retail location.
  • The Barcelona Gothic Quarter also has its own collection of ruins, such as the Temple of Augustus, an old Roman temple built during the Imperial period. After being demolished, its remains were not discovered for centuries and have been slowly restored as they have been found.

A Few Fantastic Gothic Quarter Restaurants

There are far too many romantic restaurants in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter, but a few highly-recommended spots to eat include: Bilbao Berria, Cal Pep, and Pla Restaurant.

Whether you like shopping, nightclubs or are more interested in a beautiful place to sit outside and take in the atmosphere, you will enjoy the Barcelona Gothic Quarter.  There are numerous short term holiday rentals around this area giving you a historic experience on your stay here. While they are in the medieval corner of Barcelona, these flats are all newly remodeled with all the modern features you’re used to at home. Our Gothic Quarter apartments are conveniently located at the center of the city giving you easy access to whatever you might want to see on your stay. Our vacation rentals are where to stay in Barcelona, and are a perfect alternative to Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter hotels.

How to Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Barcelona

New Year's Eve in Barcelon
Torre Agbar | Photo By Daniel Daranas

The celebrations of New Year’s Eve in Barcelona are legendary, with the country’s wonderful traditions wrapped up in the setting of this beautiful, historic city. While you’re romping around the town waiting for the clock to strike midnight it’s encouraged that you’ve adorned yourself in red undies. Cava, a delicious Catalan champagne, is the midnight drink, which accompanies the twelve grapes everyone is to eat with the twelve chimes of the clock. The tradition of grape-eating is meant to bring you a great year ahead. Beware though, it’s much harder than it sounds to stuff twelve seeded grapes in your mouth in just twelve dings of the clock!

Locals tend to take a late supper at home before congregating with the public in various places, be it a club, street, or beach to celebrate the countdown. Paella is a traditional Spanish dish that many people will serve in celebration of the holiday. This dish is typically served as a rice and seafood dish cooked slowly. Hailing from Valencia it is typically referred to as Spain’s national dish, and is a wonderful communal meal to eat with friends and family.

After a late meal there are many options for celebrating New Year’s Even in Barcelona. The Plaça d’Espanya is a popular spot, especially among visitors. From 23:30 until the New Year hits there will be live performances including the famous Castellers – the human castle builders. The fountain waters and fireworks show makes for quite the spectacule.

The Torre Agbar is another famous New Year’s Eve in Barcelona sight to see. This landmark becomes a beautiful light show worth checking on December 31st. For an incredibly traditional New Year’s Eve in Barcelona you’ll want to get tickets to the Tablao de Carmen, one of the top flamenco clubs in the city. Get your tickets soon for a late dinner and a flamenco show. Another classic Barcelona way to celebrate the upcoming 2015 is to head to one of the many beach clubs.

The temperate climate in the city makes the beach a favorable choice for welcoming a brand new year. There are clubs lining the beachfront in Barcelona, so you’ll have a wonderful variety of places to go. New Year’s Eve in Barcelona is a fantastic time to experience some very unique and celebrated Spanish traditions. The city’s most famous attractions are in full effect in preparation for one of the biggest holiday celebrations the city sees. Barcelona, while full of breathtaking views and rich stories, is also full of people who know how to dine and party well when the occasion calls for it.

There are more celebrations planned than can be counted, and the city’s charming locals and enthusiastic visitors are sure to make it a memorable time. If you’re considering visiting the city to celebrate the New Year check out some of the available bizFlats properties in prime locations for all your holiday festivities. You’ll feel right at home on Barcelona in one of these charming, comfortable apartments or villas. There are options for everyone, whether you’re visiting with your whole family, your sweetheart, or a group of friends.

Christmas Shopping in Barcelona

On 21st November Barcelona welcomed the holiday season by switching on the Christmas lights, filling the streets with joy and color.

Christmas lighting Passeig de Gracia

Barcelona is considered to be one of those places you must visit at least once. Regardless your age and what your interests are, you will most definitely be able to find something in Barcelona that will make you fall in love with this place and have the time of your life while there. Now imagine visiting Barcelona for Christmas! 

Some will enjoy the magnificent architecture, art and museums. Some will love the Christmas lighting and they will spend most of their time strolling all over the city. And yet, there are those who will love Christmas shopping in Barcelona.

In the US, Black Friday is considered the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and since a couple of years Barcelona has adopted this date, which corresponds to the day following Thanksgiving Day, which this year falls on Friday 28 November.  Many large stores in the city now celebrates Black Friday, offering huge discounts.

This 4th December The Shopping Night Barcelona will officially open the Christmas Shopping season.

However, The Shopping Night Barcelona is the event that officially opens the Christmas shopping season in Barcelona. One of the best moments to go shopping in Barcelona is during TSNB, which is going to be held on the 4th of December, 2014, between eight in the evening and one hour after midnight. Passeig de Gracia will be the location where the event is going to be held, like the previous years.

The shopping night barcelona Palau Robert

Not only is Passeig de Gracia one of the most important avenues in Barcelona, but it is also a major shopping and business area of the city. It also has some of the most exclusive stores. Most tourists visit Passeig de Gracia, as notable landmarks such as Antoni Gaudí’s Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, also known as “La Pedrera” are located in this street. Furthemore, Casa Bonaventura Ferrer by Pere Falqués i Urpí and Casa Lleó Morera by Lluís Domènech i Montaner are also located in this Barcelona’s avenue. During the event, the avenue is closed for traffic, so visitors of the shopping night will get a unique opportunity to walk along a busy street of Barcelona, without any vehicles in sight.  It is estimated that over 25,000 people participated in the last year’s event, and this number is expected to be exceeded this year.

The main idea behind the fifth Shopping Night Barcelona is to present the lifestyle of Barcelona, its culture, food and tradition. Besides the promotions, organizers expect the event to influence city’s economy, by boosting sales during the event. The festive atmosphere will be visible, through sparkly decorations, red carpets and cordial atmosphere, as the organizer want to create a memorable event for all of those who love fashion and shopping. In addition, the stores will offer limited edition sales, which might feature some exclusive items of clothing and footwear, which is a perfect opportunity to purchase certain items.

The restaurants in the close vicinity of the event will also make sure that you have a great time during this event. They will participate by providing live music performances, menu tastings and enjoyable atmosphere for all the visitors. All of this combined creates an eventful night full of friendly and festive atmosphere, which is a perfect way to spend an evening out, especially if you are a tourist and you want to experience true magic of the city of Barcelona.

Theme of Barcelona Night Shopping

The theme of this Shopping Night Barcelona is the Golden Age of Hollywood. The heyday of American film industry will be stressed out throughout the event, as well as through the exhibitions and presentations of the great stars that marked the golden era of film history.

Let’s go shopping with glam!

If you need accommodation for these holidays, don’t miss our Dandi apartment just two blocks away from Passeig de Gràcia.

La Diada, The Day of Catalonia


This holiday commemorates the fall of Barcelona in the hands of the Bourbon troops during the War of Spanish Succession on September 11, 1714, after fourteen months of siege. The Catalan Parliament declared September 11 as the National Day of Catalonia, “La Diada” and there are programmed several events for the day. The city is planning to receive more than 400,000 visitors, taking part in the acts.

If you are arriving on this day, keep in mind that it will be a difficult day regarding transportation, and the city will be full up. We never recommend taking the train from the airport on normal days and even less so, on a day like Sep 11, pickpockets will take advantage of the crowded trains. The best way to get into the city is taking the Aerobús, that will take you to Plaça Catalunya, final stop, were you should hop-off.

… or your best bet, our bizFlats Airport Transfer “from the plane to your apartment – your hassle free arrival.

You are arriving on a very special day with lots of people on the streets, so get ready for this festive occasion, and observe all the logical security measures regarding your cameras, wallets, purses, phones, etc., as you will do in any other place of the world which is heavily crowded.

Be prepared and enjoy your trip!